Sunday, August 2, 2009

Drum Roll please.....

Ruth of "Ruth and Brian" You are the lucky one. Send me an e-mail so we can talk details.

Thank you again so much to everyone for your sweet comments and input.
I was almost ready to retire the "modern momma" necklace due to technical frustrations in getting the rings threaded through the top but as it was by far the most popular choice it's worth the frustrations :O)



Ruth and Brian said...

Hi Canela,
I am so excited!!! I sent you an email, but sometimes when I send emails to my email address gets lumped into the spam letters so I wanted to send you this comment for you to have a heads up. I look forward to hearing from you and finding out what it is that I have won through your incredible generous giveaway!


Tammie said...

Congrats Ruth- You so deserve it- can't wait to see what you won