Monday, September 26, 2011

The Sunday Yummies...Sunday baking

If you are on Pinterest you have seen This recipe for Blueberry Buttermilk Breakfast Cake. I don't think there are too many out there that have not pinned it!
We had a ton of berries in the Fridge and 2 cartons of buttermilk that weren't going to last past the weekend so I decided to give it a try.
Oh My Word! It was delicious! I had a small piece last night, and the kids devoured the rest this morning.

We made the Blueberry Version, just as the recipe shows. I also had Raspberries and Blackberries to use up so I made a Raspberry version but in place of the lemon zest I used orange.

I'm thinking next week we may make a nuttella version with out berries.

Click on the link at the top for the full recipe, then schedule an extra hour at the gym, it'll be worth it, I promise!

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1 comment:

Sunshine - said...

That looks very good. Thanks for the recipe!