I can see the fingerprints of God
When I look at youI can see the fingerprints of God
And I know its true
Youre a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of God
So look around you and see where YOU can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Where do you see them?
Here's how to join in. 1. Blog with your interpretation of God's fingerprints.
Be sure to link back here at Pamering Beki's blog so others can find the entire list of participants!
Let me introduce you to my honey! This is Robert. God’s fingerprints are all over this amazing man! When I met Rob for the first time my heart fluttered! I knew right away he was a wonderful man. He has devoted his life to God and to our children and myself. He works extra hard so I can stay home with our six children. Every day he gets up kisses the kids and I goodbye and heads off to Teach. (4o 8th graders that alone takes a special man!) He has happily sacrificed much so that we can raise our family on one income. He is loving and generous and devoted. I am truly blessed by this man! I love you Babe!
What a blessing a good man is!! Truly.
HOw wonderful for you...I was on your Etsy Trunk show last night so fun and how fun to find your blog today from the la maison rustic I thought with a cute name like that it just can't be a coincident....I have 4 kiddos and I'm super busy right now I am on a creative hold untl I get our home in a better working order how do you do it with 6???? and Create and be so active on your ART?
I love that song...and you can see gods fingerprint in everything you just have to be open right?.....
Love to hear from you ...
What a sweet post! It's so beautiful to read about a happy marriage which seems to be rather rare these days.
Oh Canela !!! Your Wedding Photo is absolutely Gorgeous!!! Wow ~ look at your dress and your wedding bouquet is so lovely!! Your Wedding Photo looks EXACTLY like a cover that I saw once on the Martha Stewart Weddings magazine!! Was that you on the cover?
Have a "hoppy" weekend ~
Canela! It's been too long since I've visited you! I am so sorry I missed you in Temecula :0( I really wanted to meet you.
Anyhow, you and your husband are so adorable together! You are so blessed to have such a godly man to spend your life with. I feel so blessed to have a godly man in my life too who allows me the same privelege of staying home. We have so much in common!
I promise I will visit you more often! I have just been so busy. It looks like I missed out on some good stuff while I've been away!
Hugz~ Angela
You are a great looking couple! He sounds like a great guy, you are truly blessed :)
Awww! A good man indeed. Amen to good men!! :) Yay. Beautiful photo. Peace!
Beautiful story, beautiful photo! Congratulations to the both of you for blessing each others lives ~ and 6 kids later! I'm so happy for you! :-)
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