My Layered Ovals necklace, this one hasn't made it over to etsy yet so only in the NEW SHOP
I have to say hands down this is still my favorite design to create! Each one is different and every single one is just gorgeous!!!
Our Mr.T is a gentle sweet soul. He is always looking out for others, asking how he can help take care of his siblings. He builds and creates, and invents daily, and describes his creations with such passion. He amazes us daily and brings so much Joy to our family.
Happy Birthday Baby! We love you!
Dad & Mom
I think an apple pie is in order, and maybe a tart, and an apple pear crisp, and some apple sauce...We have more than enough apples for it all!
What did you do this weekend?
As one of the fellow Queen Bees I was asked to write a post for the Queen Bee Blog
I usually keep my posts pretty short and simple. This one is a bit longer so grab a cup of coffee, or tea and cozy up :)
Here it is...
Just leave a comment and tell me either what you would have stamped on the ring, or your favorite fall memory.
I'll choose a winner at random on Friday!
Oh and I didn't get a nap, would you sleep after all that?
Whimsical earthy and unique I LOVE it!
Where do you find your inspiration in life?
and now I'm off to finish getting my orders out before I leave my honey and kiddies behind to have a lovely creative weekend and SPARK. Yes I have the slightest twinge of guilt leaving everyone behind, but the alone time will be wonderful!!
Do you ever feel guilty leaving your kiddies home and taking some alone time? We're so hard on ourselves as mothers aren't we?