Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mr. T

No not that big hulking guy with a bad mohawk and tons of gold chains.

Our Mr. T is soft spoken, a little shy, inquisitive and inventive, and today He is 8!

Our Mr.T is a gentle sweet soul. He is always looking out for others, asking how he can help take care of his siblings. He builds and creates, and invents daily, and describes his creations with such passion. He amazes us daily and brings so much Joy to our family.

Happy Birthday Baby! We love you!

Dad & Mom


Heather H. said...

I like your Mr.T much better. What a handsome guy. I hope he enjoyed his birthday.
Heather H

Tracy @ Crème de la Gems said...

Hope you had the best birthday ever Mr. T!! Look at those eyes...watch out girls! ;)