Wednesday, August 11, 2010

and off we go

It's that time of year again.

The kiddies are headed back to school.
Alexander was super excited to finally go to school this year. I can't wait to hear his report on his first day of Kindergarten.
For everyone else it was old hat, just getting back into daily routine.

Meggie doesn't start preschool until the end of this month, and Kaiya at a different school than the boys. so they chatted and played while I saw the bos to their calsses.
I love it when then girls hold hands and chat about sister stuff.

This year should prove interesting, at least until I get adjusted to out routine.

We have 3 different drop of times in the morning, and 4 different pick up times. I think Nathaniel and I are will just camp out in the van for most of the day ;)

Can you believe I will only have one child with me for the morning? What ever will I do with all the quite time? Maybe we'll take advantage and go to story time at our library, play at the park, or enjoy a cup of coffee at the local coffee shop.

What do you do when the kids are all at school?



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