I won this award from Sheila of SheilaNielsenPhotography. Check out her Blog here
and now her NEW Etsy Shop!!!
Her photos of Children are just superb. She has a knack for capturing their whimsical and adventurous curiosity. I had no idea she had such an amazing eye for nature as well, but I should have known seeing her other work. Thank you Sheila! :o)
So the terms of this lovely award are that I get to nominate 5 others to receive it and link them below...so in no particular order
1.Jayne of Bunny chic boutique Just one of the sweetest gals ever! Her blog is always inviting, beautiful and guaranteed to have a bunny featured.
2.Is this one cheating? I belong to a group of just Amazingly talented children's designers. We sell together on ebay. Our group name is PrimRoses. Since there are more than 5 Wonderful ladies I am "nominating the group blog as it is always full of their fresh,whimsical, and romantic designs. If you are looking for something special for a little Angel to wear, they are the gals to see!
3.Next is Kristen of Gock's Frocks...She is a clothing designer as well. Her children's clothes are vibrant and full of colorful life. See her great designs and beautiful family here
4.Next is Tracy of Crem Del La Gems! What can I say I LOVE her work! As a polymer artist myself I am always in awe of what she is able to create with the medium. Her attention to detail on such a tiny scale is just impeccable! Visit her here
5.Finally is Heidi. Heidi was one of my give away winners. Since "meeting" her I have been reading her blog regularly. She is Fun and spunky, full of life and a tremendous Love for God. Enjoy her musing here...
Gals I am going to try and post the award for you to copy over to your blog but if I have any difficulties then you can cruse on over to Sheila's blog and copy it from there...(she gets this thing called a computer better than I do ;o) )
Congratulations Canela!! I think you are an amazing person besides a having a wonderful blog!
Thanks so much Sherry!
You are so sweet! Thank you so much for the award!
Oh Canela ~
Thank you so much for this Award!! You're so sweet to nominate me!! I'll treasure this Award Forever and put it on my Blog Mantel.
Big Bunny Hugs ~
My Pleasure ladies :o)
AWWWEE! Thank you Canela! You totaly surprised me-YAY!
Congratulations to you...your blog is so beautiful and serene... :)
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